05/08/2023 - 16:13

You can access here the guides that we have prepared to facilitate and guide the beneficiary organizations on specific issue during the implementation period of the Haklara Destek Program.

Visibility Guide

This Guide includes information about the rules on how and when the program and EU logos should be used. In the Guide, you can find the Haklara Destek visibility items as well as information about the features, areas, and application rules of the items. 

For the guide, click here.

Reporting and Financial Implementation Guide

This Guide was prepared with the intention of facilitating the reporting processes of beneficiary organizations and providing additional information on the requirements specified in the contract.

For the guide, click here.

BELLEK Grant Management System for the CSOs

This Guide was prepared with the aim of introducing the BELLEK Grant Management System to beneficiary organizations, and it contains information that facilitates the use of the system. 

For the guide, click here.