01/25/2024 - 13:49

The Finance Management Training workshop organized within the capacity development program of Haklara Destek was held on 7-8-14 November with the participation of our colleagues Merve Nebioğlu and Özkan Bulut. We created the three-day workshop in line with the answers provided to the form sent to the organizations before the workshop. We held our previous workshops on Digital Security and Personal Data Protection Law on June 22-23 and July 7-10. Mustafa Çağrı Kurter gave the workshop on the Digital Security and Hafıza Merkezi legal team gave the workshop on PDPL.

Finance Management content:

7 November, Tuesday 13:30-16:30
Donations and Supports
The declarations and notifications that the organizations are obliged to submit

8 November, Wednesday 13:30-16:30
Accounting and Value-Added Tax Exemptions

14 November, Tuesday 13:30-16:30
Management of project finances and reporting