Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği
Association for Struggle against Sexual Violence
The Association for Struggle is against Sexual Violence’s main objective is to fight sexual violence. Adopting a queer-feminist approach, the association engages in support, advocacy and awareness-raising activities that aim to render sexual violence more visible and make it a topic of discussion.
According to our general approach, sexual violence can occur wherever there is any hierarchy, and everyone can potentially be perpetrator or victim of sexual violence. Sexual violence is a learned “behaviour”, which is why it can be prevented. In the struggle against sexual violence, “change starts with me”! Along these lines, we utilize different tools like our website and social media accounts, but also our Visual Archive and the project Switch It!, which promotes a rights-based journalism, to share our work with the public.
Persons exposed to any kind of sexual violence and their relatives as well as people in need of help may apply to the association to request guidance and legal counsel.
The Association for Struggle against Sexual Violence is willing to cooperate and provide advice in the following areas: developing a rights-based journalistic and visual language with respect to topics like sexual violence, sexual abuse, dating violence, designing awareness-raising workshops and events related to child abuse and animal cruelty, providing material and sources, developing protective/preventive projects, and topics like sexual violence, gender-based violence, sexual health, physical autonomy of children, and youth.
Our association is open to requests for partnership and cooperation with respect to rights-based advocacy national and/or international networking as well as to all sorts of communication and cooperation with persons and institutions providing support to survivors of sexual violence, especially municipalities, public institutions, regarding protective/preventive measures and support services concerning sexual violence.