Ceza İnfaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum Derneği
Civil Society in the Penal System Association
The Civil Society in the Penal System Association (CISST) is working to bring the conditions of prisons in Turkey to in line with international human rights standards, to protect the rights and liberties of prisoners, and to ensure that practices and conditions in Turkey comply with the notion of human dignity and universal values.
CISST’s approach to prisoner rights is based on binding and non-binding international Standards, declarations, conventions, and treaties such as the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “European Prison Rules”, the United Nations’ “Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners”, “Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners”, and the “Convention against Torture”.
In cases of victimisation or violation, prisoners and their relatives can contact the association of rights by letter, via our hotline (0-212-252-53-11), e-mail and/or telephone/fax (0 212 293 69 82).