Mardin Ortak Kadın İşbirliği Derneği
Mardin Joint Women’s Cooperation Association – MOKİD
MOKİD’s Vision: To create a world/society where all forms of violence and discrimination against women are eliminated and justice, freedom, and equality are guaranteed for all.
MOKİD’s Mission: To combat all forms of violence emanating from gender inequality with a rights-based perspective and to carry out advocacy, campaign, research, training, and lobbying activities with an aim of empowering women and girls and ensure that they have equal opportunities.
MOKİD was founded in 2007 as a non-profit organization. Since its establishment, it has been organizing awareness-raising trainings for women, men, and youth on gender equality and violence against women within the scope of women’s empowerment activities. MOKİD carries out advocacy, campaigning, research, training, and lobbying activities in order to combat all forms of violence with a rights-based perspective and to ensure that women and girls are empowered and have equal opportunities.
MOKİD organizes social, psychological and legal counselling, literacy courses, vocational skills courses and social cohesion activities for women who have been subjected to violence. It provides social and psychological counseling services in Arabic and Turkish, and legal counseling services in Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish. It provides services in the languages that local people need, enabling women using different languages to receive services in their mother tongue, facilitating their access to the services of public institutions/organizations and enabling them to learn their rights.
In addition, since 2015, MOKİD has been contributing to activities for refugee women together with international humanitarian aid organizations at the local level. Providing services to refugees in their own languages enables refugee women and children to express themselves in their mother tongues making it possible to find solutions to their problems.