Göç ve İnsani Yardım Vakfı

Migration and Humanitarian Aid Foundation

Migration and Humanitarian Aid Foundation was established on July 16, 1999, in Mersin. As of 2010, it continues its activities in Diyarbakır and in the field of Child Rights. The foundation works in three main areas which correspond to its working principles set at its formation: children’s rights, women’s rights, and ecology. GIYAV mainly carries out rights-based activities in the field of children’s rights and gives scholarship to children who cannot access equal education opportunities. It also organizes workshops on children’s rights to empower children and parents/caregivers, conducts research and application projects and rights-based monitoring, and provides economic and legal support. 

Migration and Humanitarian Aid Foundation works with children who have migrated/been forced to migrate for various reasons and are in disadvantaged positions. In its activities with children, the Foundation fundamentally adopts the approach that sees children as individuals with a unique existence and that encourages their freedom, independence, and creativity. The foundation also supports children's development with artistic, cultural, social and sporting activities with a rights-based approach, and all activities are carried out multilingually.